Annual tune-ups are important. When during the year, doesn't matter as much.
Late Winter... A great time to get your Furnace tuned-up
Heating systems have many moving parts that if not maintained will quit working. To keep your heating system reliable and able to keep you warm when you most need it, annual maintenance is a must!
You see all kinds of ads for a tune-up for ridiculous prices like $19 or $29 or $59. With the cost of vehicles, fuel, and the price of labor for a smart qualified technician, how can a company do a tune-up for so cheap? Because they plan to sell you something... most particularly a new furnace! Pay for a real tune-up and avoid the sales pitch.
Real tune-ups include the following and more. Notice that many of these procedures require expensive tools and meters, and the knowledge to use them properly.
- Flush the condensate system
- Inspect and change the filter as needed
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the filtration system. Is the furnace blower wheel collecting dirt? If so, the filter system is not working. A change should be considered.
- Check and maintain the humidifier
- Check the thermostat. Do batteries need to be changed?
- Check and lubricate all bearings and drives
- Perform a system static pressure test
- Inspect air ducts for leaks and cleanliness
- Check operating temperature of system. Is it running with manufacturers specs?
- Test the capacitor on the blower motor
- Test for carbon monoxide in ambient air
- Check CO levels in the flue vent
- Check heating elements
- Inspect wiring for hot spots and tightness
- Test and inspect breakers and fuses
- Inspect the burners and check for proper burn flame
- Test operating controls and safeties
- Check for gas leaks in and around the furnace
- Inspect the venting and combustion air system. Have birds or insects built nests inside them?
- Test the flame sensor and clean as necessary
- Test combustion efficiency
These are just a part of a good tune-up.
Dirt is one of the biggest killers of a heating system. Sometimes we may need to recommend an air duct cleaning or a better filtration system to help your furnace run efficiently.
Why is dirt such a problem for furnaces and air conditioners? There are many reasons but I will mention just a few.
- Dirt acts as an insulator and prevents the proper transfer of heat energy. Because of this lack of heat transfer, the furnace runs hotter than it was designed to. This extra heat then causes important parts like the heat exchanger to expand and contract more than it was designed to which results in the heat exchanger failing sooner than it should. Result? You get to purchase a new furnace early, costing you thousand of dollars.
- Dirt in the blower reduces the amount of air the blower can move which then uses more electricity, and results in extra hot furnace (see the above reason why that is a problem). Reduced airflow also results in less comfort. You end up with rooms that are too hot or too cold.
- Dirt gets into spaces and acts like sandpaper. It ruins bearings, motors, pumps and plugs up condensate drain systems. Again, all of these result in failures that require a service call and expense, and premature failure.
- Dirt floating around in the air stream can create an allergic response in humans resulting in sickness.
- Dirt is also unsightly. Dust settling on the furniture and appliances is unsightly and a pain to have to deal with.
Clean and keep the system clean and you won't have to deal with any of these hassles and expense.
So what do you need to know from all this? It is important to propely maintain your heating system each year. Dirt really is the enemy to an HVAC system so you may need to get your air ducts professionally cleaned, and get a better filtration system such as the Lennox Pure Air.

About the author
Bob Bidstrup
Bob Bidstrup has over 40 years experience in the home service industry.